Poop on Poop for Peace

Taking a dump on the commie crapping contest.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Give Poop A Chance

I got an e-mail from the head crapper over at the Poop Report today. The shit has really hit the fan over there. So to speak. Guess pooping for or against peace has really got some people's undies in a bunch. Like some folks that commented, I'm starting to agree that pooping positions are more important than any political position. Here's the message and the link: Enjoy!

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 10:51:48 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Dave from PoopReport"
To: bbojojo99@NOSPAMyahoo.com
Subject: poop on peace

This might interest you:
Recent post at Poop Report

Read it with an open mind, because it's not what
you think. In fact, I bet you'll agree with me.
